Left in Print event poster
Event,  News,  United Kingdom

Rova Editions to host ‘Left in Print’ inaugural event this October

Bristol based magazine and book shop Rova Editions are set to host their inaugural event this October. Named ‘Left in Print’, the event will be “a discussion of print media and its relationship with progressive ideas, underrepresented voices and political narratives,” Rova’s Instagram notes. The event on the 10th of October is already sold out at time of writing, but make sure to follow their socials for news about any potential future events.

Left in Print magazine event four guest host profile images
© Rova Editions / Respected Owners
Rova Editions magazine and book shop inside photos
© Rova Editions

Held at The Scrandit on Christmas Steps, ‘Left in Print’ will play host to four guests from the world of independent publishing. They include Erin Mathias (Editor of The Paper), Max Jeffrey (Art Director of STIR to Action magazine), Phil Wrigglesworth (Editor and Art Director of Left Cultures publication) and will be hosted by Eliz Mizon, Strategy Lead for the Bristol Cable.

As noted on Rova’s website, the event will look to debate the contrasting worlds of print and online with questions such as: “How does editorial content, design and illustration impact on audiences? How does this make a difference to the face of print media and influence political thought? How can the Left compete in both a Capitalist advertising dominated editorial industry and the fragmented online digital space?”

Attendees can also expect £3 off a magazine, included with the ticket price.

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Useful Links

Here are some useful links related to this event. These may include social media links only.

Rova Editions – Event page

Correct at time of writing.

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