Weird Walk releases new podcast and zine issue five
One of the most hotly talked about zines of the past few years has been Weird Walk, an adventurous publication that explores the British Isles and its folklore. Their website reads, “by walking the ancient paths, visiting the sacred sites, and immersing ourselves in the folklore and customs of these isles, we hope to fan the faint embers of magic that still smoulder in the grate and conjure that elusive temporal trackway of history and mystery, a weird walk that bypasses nostalgia and leads us back towards optimism and re-enchantment.”
This curiosity and continuous pursuit of these routes and their historic importance in the British Isles has seen Weird Walk release a brand new podcast in December 2021. You can listen to the first episode below.
Hosted by English actor and writer Charlie Cooper, the podcast is described on their Instagram as “an audio ramble through the history and mysteries of the British Isles.” A strong accompaniment to the zine itself, the podcast leads the listener across rural soundscapes and encounters the host Charlie experiences.
Issue five of the popular zine launched in December (labelled ‘Samhain’ as the zine’s cover suggests), an exciting feat for the team. The issue features an interview with the podcast’s host Charlie Cooper, speaking about his appearance in and creation of ‘This Country’, a BBC Three production. Other features include “the solo rambler’s pipe organ primer,” an article of the soundscapes of cathedral organs which soak the landscape of rural parishes. Weird Walk even have a playlist on Spotify that includes over five hours of “wind-powered sonic explorations,” as noted on their Instagram.

Weird Walk exists for the love of walking and British lore, but this can be extended across the world. Global lockdowns have meant that (for those who can and are able) walking has become part of their daily ritual. However by adding to your own ritual you may discover rituals of the past; a lore that is not only drenched in history but ignites our passion for discovery and history. In unison with the new podcast this can now be experienced on a more global scale, for listeners like me who may want to learn more about British lore and history alike.
You can buy Weird Walk issue five here.
Listen to the Weird Walk podcast on Spotify here.

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