Viscose Journal issue seven 2D net for a 3D box inside a poster for an event
Event,  Culture,  Fashion,  News,  United States

Viscose Journal launching issue 7 in New York City this January

Viscose Journal will be launching their brand new issue 7 on Thursday 30th January at a special event in New York City. Contributors Jessica Murphy, Whitney Mallet, Olivia Kan-Sperling, Andreas Keller, Ro Miller, Diane Severin Nguyen, Juje Hsiung and Jeppe Ugelvig are all set to be at the event. The new issue, named ‘SCENT’, as noted on the bierke website, “explores fashion’s enduring bond with scent and perfume” and is published in partnership with the Korean Pavilion at the 60th International Art Exhibition ‘La Biennale di Venezia’ and the International Library for Fashion Research in Oslo.

Held at Olfactory Art Keller at 25A Henry Street, the gallery plays host to exhibitions across the world of scent, including a group exhibition named ‘Scent as a Creative Medium’ – a summer show in 2024 that explored the “practice of extracting scents from nature and mixing them to create novel perceptual experiences” amongst other themes. The gallery notes on their website, “our exhibitions aim to engage and educate the public about the potential and diversity of scent as an artistic medium. By presenting scented objects, olfactory experiences, and smell performances as well as works of multisensory art in which odor is essential, we hope to normalize the use of scents in contemporary art.” Viscose notes that “the launch coincides with contributor Ro Miller’s solo exhibition “Soft Time,” an exploration of the complex relationship between scent, time, and the human experience. Miller’s work questions conventional notions of domesticity by proposing novel ways to incorporate scent into our homes, moving beyond the simple dichotomy of scented/unscented.”

Viscose journal issue seven spreads containing blocks of text and a single photograph
© Viscose Journal. Images via Instagram.
Viscose Journal issue seven spread featuring an article heading, two photographs and a few blocks of text.
© Viscose Journal. Images via Instagram.
Viscose Journal issue seven 3D made cover featuring a rectangular box
© Viscose Journal. Images via Instagram.

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The new 127-page SCENT issue, as described on the bierke website, “examines scent through a variety of lenses, observing its historical and contemporary role in fashion culture. The issue seeks out histories of projects—mainly developed with or by artists and designers—who have embraced and involved smell as a medium of possibility and knowledge production, gesturing to histories of manufacturing, trade, branding, and commerce, but also sexuality, desire, identity, and memory. With respect to the abstract knowledge of scent, we are in pursuit of accounts ranging from literature to philosophy that attempt to synthesize, much like perfume itself, the sensorial, capitalist, artistic, and scientific forces that make up scent in our modern world.”

The Viscose Journal SCENT issue launch event is held between 6:30 – 9:30 PM on the evening of the 30th and doesn’t require any RSVP.

Useful Links

Here are some useful links associated to this event. These may include social media links only.

Viscose Journal – Website

Viscose Journal – Official shop

Olfactory Art Keller – Website

Correct at time of writing.

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