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Dulcify Journal announce call for submissions for issue one

Brand new food journal ‘Dulcify’ has placed a call for submissions for their debut issue via Instagram. ‘Dulcify Journal’ aim to focus on telling stories from the community whilst also donating 10% of all sales to ‘Empty Kitchens’, a food charity and kitchen in Edinburgh, Scotland.

Plate of food on table with hand reaching in to grab an item
© Dulcify

‘Dulcify’ write, “would you like to write for us? Share a photography project with us? Or create a recipe? We are looking to feature some written work, photography and recipes in issue 01 of Dulcify Journal. Perhaps you have something to say about the hospitality industry in Scotland? The food scene in your local area? Kitchen culture? Or maybe you’ve captured a series and are looking for a platform to showcase them? We want to hear from you!”

This is a great opportunity to be featured in a brand new independent magazine in their first ever issue. They further add, “Food as — our common ground, unity and togetherness. We want that to emulate from the pages of our journal, for readers to know that they are part of a community, full of soul, stories and innovation.” The deadline for submissions is the 8th of August 2022, and ‘Dulcify’ have also noted that any questions can be sent to this email. You can read the full post on their Instagram here.

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